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Bestact Magnetic Proximity Switches

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A Wide Variety of Types Available to Meet Applications/Specifications:
  • General Purpose, High Temperature, etc.
  • Two-Wire Systems, Offering a Wide Power Range (1v 1mA to 240VAC 1a)
  1. Completely sealed construction makes this switch best suited for adverse environments.
  2. Direct control of loads of even 100VDC or greater, requiring no power supply or amplifying relay.
  3. No protective R-C snubber/surge circuitry is required for long wiring distances or inductive load.
  4. Eliminates the possibility of erroneous operation and breakdown due to noise or surge.
  5. The contactless design assures a long service life and maintenance free operation.
  6. Economical proximity ...
Vane Type

Vane Type (PSMO)

High Detecting Accuracy against Unstable Moving Substances, and Easy to Use
  • Can operate in circuits of 100VDC or greater without any power supply unit or amplifying relay
  • No erroneous operations or circuit failure due to noise and/or surge
  • Contactless design assures long service life and maintenance free operation
Vane Type

High-Precision Vane Type (PSMO-15G)

Hydraulic Low-Speed Elevator Stop Level Adjustment is a Thing of the Past: with This High-Precision Product You can Enjoy Adjustment-Free Operation.

Typical Applications

Stop level detectors and door-open com mand switches for passenger and freight elevators, stop level detector switches for vertical parking garages, passage point detector switches for transporters, passage detector switches for general industrial machinery.

Super-high precision products with even narrower operational range are also available.
Separate type

Separate Type (PSMS)

Any Number of Combination of Switch Units and Magnet Units to Set up an Effective Detecting System
  • Directly controlled on 100 VDC or greater without power supply unit or amplifying relay
  • No erroneous operations or circuit failure due to noise and surge
  • Contactless detection assures maintenance free operation and long life
Separate type

Memory Type (PSMM)

Self-Holding Type Magnetic Proximity Switches Make Sequencing Simple


File No. E158813
For Class I, Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D
Vane Type

Vane Type High-Temp.-Use (PSMO-TH )

Unsurpassed Performance at High Temperature, Humidity Atmosphere, Exceeding any Non-Contact Types
130 °C Continuous, or 180 °C for Short Time
  • Direct control of 100 VDC or greater, no power supply unit or amplifying relay needed
  • No erroneous operations or break in circuit due to noise and/or surge
  • Contactless design assures long service life and maintenance free operation
Typical Applications

Continuous casting machines, coke ovens, converters, rolling mills, cement curing ovens, refrigerators internal equipment.

Influence of Ambient Temperature, and Compensation

Where temperature varies widely from the beginning and during 3 operation, the actuating point and return ...

Separate type

Separate Type High-Temp.-Use (PSMS-H, T)

Designed for High Temperature, High Humidity Atmosphere; Best among Non-Contact Types. Assuring 130C for Continuous Duty or 180 C for Short Time

Typical Applications

Continuous casting machines, coke ovens.converters, rolling mills, cement curing ovens, refrigerator's internal equipment.

Influence of Ambient Temperature, and Compensation

Where temperature varies widely from the beginning and dur ing operation, the actuating point and return point may change somewhat due to thermal characteristic of the magnetic unit.
For applications requiring higher accuracy, make the compen sation first before mounting.

As for ratings and specifications other than those below, refer to ...
Separate type

Memory Type High-Temp.-Use (PSMM-H, T)

Stable Self-Holding Performance at High Temperature, Humid Atmosphere
  • Continuous duty at 130°C
  • Excellent vibration and shock resistance
  • Simplified logic circuit with elimination of external self-holding/seal-in relay
Typical Applications

Continuous casting machines, coke ovens, converters, rolling mills, cement cure ovens, refrigerator's internal equipment.

Influence of Ambient Temperature, and Compensation

Where temperature varies widely from the beginning and during operation, the actuating point and return point may change somewhat due to thermal characteristic of the magnetic unit. For applications requiring higher accuracy, make the compensation first before ...


Column Type (PSMS-RV)

  • Directly controlled on 100 VDC or greater without power supply unit or amplifying relay
  • No erroneous operations or circuit failure due to noise and surge
  • Contactless detection assures maintenance free and long life
Typical Applications

Stop level detectors and door-open command switches for passenger and freight elevators, stop level detector switches for vertical parking garages, passage point detector switches for transporters, passage detector switches for general industrial machinery.

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